Tuesday, July 15, 2008

House-builders launch a planning appeal

Redrow Homes and Persimmon Homes have lodged an appeal with the Secretary of State against Swindon Borough Council over their failure to make a decision about one of their planning applications to develop land east and south of Coate Water Country Park.

There are two planning applications related to the area - the main planning application relates to the bulk of the houses (1550 houses), the employment land and university campus. The second relates to a field owned by Mr & Mrs Austin (who live in Bourton, Oxfordshire)that is designated for 250 houses. It is the first of these planning applications that is up for appeal.

The decision whether to allow the development will now be in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol. All being well, a Local Public Inquiry will be held where the public will have an opportunity to make their comments about the proposals.

Watch this space to find out what to do to save Coate.


Anonymous said...

Two days later, the notice of appeal was withdrawn for "administrative reasons." However, the house-builders do intend to lodge an appeal.

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