Saturday, February 05, 2011

Please write to Swindon Council's Planning Committee now

The likely date for the planning committee to meet to decide the planning application is 8 March 2011. Please write to the following before then.

The May elections might alter the fate of four of them: Andy Albinson (Tory), John Ballman (Labour), Jennifer Millin (Labour) & Martin Wiltshire (Lib Dem) who may or may not stand for election again.

Email addresses for Planning Committee Members. Doreen Dart, Steve Allsopp and Vera Tomlinson are not on e-mail. Letters can be addressed to them at Swindon Borough Council, Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon SN1 2 JH.

Colin Lovell is Chairman and Vera Tomlinson is Vice-Chair.

"Colin Lovell" <>,
"Junab Ali" <>,
"Andy Albinson" <>,
"John Ballman" <>,
"Sinead Darker" <>,
"Mark Dempsey" <>,
"Dale Heenan" <>,
"Jennifer Millin" <>,
"Anthony Peake" <>,
"Eric Shaw" <>,
"John Short" <>,
"Kevin Parry" <>,
"Martin Wiltshire" <>

Dear Councillor

Revised Planning Application for Coate – Ref. No. S/10/0842

Past history has shown that if you open up the Coate, Badbury Wick & Commonhead countryside to development, future councillors will not be able to stop the inevitable spread of more buildings on the fields that surround Coate Water. You all know what Redrow Homes and Persimmon Homes have in store for these fields – please don’t give in to them.

Over 52,000 people have expressed their concerns about these proposals and wish to see the countryside between Coate Water and the A419/M4 protected against further development for a variety of reasons that include its significant heritage (archaeological and literary) value, the intrinsic wildlife value of  Dayhouse Copse Local Nature Reserve at its centre, the recreational value of Dayhouse Lane, the rural landscape setting of Coate Water and the views from the Downs, and the ultimate knock-on effect on Coate Water’s special ecology.  

At the very least I ask that you vote for a site visit in order that you can view the application area from Liddington Hill, from Coate Water and from Dayhouse lane before making a decision.

Please listen to the people and refuse planning permission.

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