Monday, August 01, 2011

Coate not suitable for housing

Many of you who objected to the Swindon Gateway planning application will have received a letter from Forward planning inviting you to comment on the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment ‘Call for Sites’.
There is more information at:
This includes the report that was prepared to identify proposed sites in 2008. The report, of course, includes Coate and you can read what was said about it at:

This “consultation” gives you the opportunity to ask for the entire Swindon Gateway Site (SHLAA 783) to be deleted as well as the Day House Farm sites (SHLAA 780 and 781) from the proposed list of sites to deliver housing.
If you read the “overcoming suitability constraints for the site” you will wonder how Coate was ever proposed for development in the first place! Some of the text from the report is pasted in below. 
Please note that it refers to Richard Jefferies (spelt incorrectly) as a LOCAL Victorian Writer. I can’t tell you how many times that we have told the Council that Jefferies’ writing is of national and international importance.
Please respond to this consultation and ask that these particular SHLAA sites are deleted on the grounds that Coate/Badbury Wick is not a sustainable location for development and that no mitigation can be put in place to make this an acceptable site for development.
There is a form that you can download to do this on the main page of the website albeit that it is designed to propose sites not delete them! You’ve got till 23 September to write in.

Extract from Overcoming Suitability Constraints ( Swindon Gateway Entire Site No. 783)
Settlement Boundary
Adjustments were made to extend the Swindon settlement boundary to accommodate the Commonhead allocation as per the Swindon Borough Local Plan. As such the site it is not deemed to fall within the Swindon settlement boundary proper.
Flood Risk Zone
Parts of the site fall within an area of indicative flood risk as highlighted by the Swindon Flood Risk Assessment.
DS3- Mixed use urban extension, Commonhead
The development, as is laid out in policy DS3 of the Swindon Borough Local Plan, is dependant on the provision of not less than 60 hectares of land for a university campus.
ENV2 - Listed Buildings
Listed buildings: 121, 122, 123, 144 would be directly affected by development at the site. Development would be permissible if it were required to preserve the character and setting of the buildings and would not detract from their special interest.
ENV5 - Significant Archaeological Remains (SAMs)
Five designated SAMs fall within the site, containing significant archaeology. Development will be resisted until adequate and satisfactory excavation, recording and, in appropriate cases, conservation of any archaeological remains have been secured.
ENV6 - Archaeological Remains of Lesser Importance
Very high archaeological potential. Development will be resisted until adequate and satisfactory excavation, recording and, in appropriate cases, conservation of any archaeological remains have been secured.
ENV10 - Landscape Character Area
Landscape Character Area (Midvale Ridge, Scarp). The sheer size of the site and its low-lying topography suggests that there will be huge and unavoidable adverse impact on the adjoining LCA. There will be a requirement to attempt to screen the development with landscaping and tree screening although the effects of this will be limited in mitigating the effects on the LCA.
ENV17 - Local Biodiversity Site
The site contains a Local Biodiversity Site. The sheer size of the development would make it difficult to mitigate any adverse impacts that will occur on the biodiversity of the area. Development of the site would require preliminary biodiversity survey and the identification of any species would have to be replace on at least a pro rata basis. The pursuance of replacement habitat or improvements to existing habitués would be sought.
ENV21 - Potential Strategic Green Corridor
Site is designated as potential strategic green corridor. According to Local Plan 2011 Policy ENV21, those areas identified as constituting barriers in the completion of a Swindon wide strategic green corridor network are identified. If and where development opportunities arise within those areas, the Local Planning Authority shall seek a proportion of the development to be designated as a strategic green corridor to complete the overall network within Swindon.
Impact on Historic Cultural and Built Environment
The site was the inspiration of Richard Jeffries (sic), local Victorian writer. Current public rallying to save this area for this cultural significance.
Access to Public Transport
The nearest bus stop is between 400 and 600 metres away and has been highlighted as a suitability constraint.
Land Status
The land is predominantly greenfield with a few small isolated parcels of previously developed land.
Constraints to Delivery
The site will require significant site clearance.
Compatibility with adjoining uses
The site is adjacent to the Coate Water Country Park and has generated some very strong opposition challenging development around this area. There is housing adjacent to the site, north of Marlborough Road, however this is the only residential development abutting the site. Development would have to take into account the adjoining Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Overcoming Suitability Constraints
Access to Services and Facilities
Distance to employment provision, secondary school, convenience store and district centre has been identified as a potential issue for accessibility. Distance to a primary school has been identified as a concern for accessibility. It should be noted that the mixed-use nature of the site would require employment provision, primary school and convenience store to be provided as part of the development scheme.

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