Please write by 23 September 2011 and send 3 paper copies or use the facility on
the Planning Inspectorate's web site:
the Planning Inspectorate's web site:
Mr E Grace
Planning Inspector
4/02 Kite Wing
4/02 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
Appeal: APP/U3935/A/11/2155834/NWF
re: Land at Dayhouse Lane, Coate, Swindon and South of Marlborough Road (A4259).
Dear Mr Grace
I/we support Swindon Borough Council's reasons to refuse planning permission for building on the appeal site. The countryside at Coate and Badbury Wick is greatly valued and significant for many reasons that include the following:
- the landscape setting of Coate Water with its buffer of countryside to enhance its wildlife value
- the views from Liddington Hill and the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- the inherent wildlife importance of Dayhouse Copse, ancient trees, hedges and otter streams
- the literary associations of internationally renowned Richard Jefferies
- the archaeological quality of the area that dates back to pre-history
- the agricultural quality of the land - 22% is grade 2/3a, best and most versatile farmland
- the recreational value of Dayhouse Lane to walkers, cyclists, horse-riders and joggers who use the country lane as a gateway to the downs
- the views from the Great Western Hospital that help aid recovery.
There are over 52,000 signatures on a petition asking Swindon Council to protect this prized area of Swindon, whilst a further 3,000 people have asked for a restoration of the town plan policy that designates the area for its high landscape quality; a policy that was deleted to allow Bath University to build a campus. The promise made by Council was "No university = no houses".
The environmental, historic and literary value of the site far outweighs any benefits that more housing, offices and industrial units can offer. The planning application provides nothing special;it is not a sustainable development and other sites in the Borough are far less sensitive.
Please dismiss the appeal lodged by Swindon Gateway Partnership.
Yours sincerely
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